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Neti Pot Solutions for Sinus Problems

Neti pots, used for centuries in Asian cultures to support nasal health and eliminate toxins from the nasal mucosa, have become increasingly popular in the Western world.

People use the small Aladdin’s lamp-looking pots to help flush sinuses, usually by pouring a mild solution of unrefined sea salt and water from one nostril through the other (avoid common table salt because it can irritate mucous membranes). The process flushes out unwanted mucus, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Frequent nasal flushing is credited with preventing and relieving sinus infections. Some experts recommend a stronger remedy if an infection is present.

“The bacteria and fungi stick rather well to the nasal mucosa and are often not flushed out with saline flushes,” remarks Herbalist Steven Frank, of Nature’s Rite LLC. “Most of these nasty pathogens adhere to the mucosa with what is called biofilm. Within this slimy layer, they are well protected and thrive in the warm, moist sinuses, so a small saline bath once a day doesn’t really bother them much at all.”

To deal with stubborn sinus problems, Frank likes using the neti pot with a colloidal silver wash that is retained in the nostrils for 10 minutes. This can be supported with regular intranasal spraying of the colloid throughout the day.

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