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Win the Allergy War … Naturally!

Allergy sufferers can try something new and natural this allergy season to find relief … Himalayan salt therapy! While this therapy is still relatively new in the U.S., it has been used for hundreds of years in other countries. It is natural and has no side effects like drugs. The salt doesn’t make one feel foggy-headed or sleepy, which can impede normal functioning. In fact, it is just the opposite. Breath of Salt offers halotherapy in its Himalayan salt spa. Why is Himalayan salt great as an all-natural alternative for allergies and respiratory issues?

Acting like a scrub brush to loosen excessive mucus, thus speeding up mucociliary transport, natural pink Himalayan salt therapy cleanses the respiratory system and speeds up the elimination of toxins with no side effects. In addition, it has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and removes pathogens, such as airborne pollen. Salt therapy also helps shrink swollen membranes in the sinus cavities and lungs. Relieve your allergies this year with halotherapy while relaxing on a zero gravity lounger in a soothing and relaxing environment enhanced by ambient music.

Cost: Varies (call for details). Location: Breath of Salt Spa, 817 Moss Creek Dr., Cayce. For more information, call 803-772-7258 or 803-772-7253 after 6 p.m.

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