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Keeping Pets Cool and Pest-Free … Naturally

The summer heat has arrived, and it is crucial to protect pets on hot days. Dogs and cats don’t sweat the way people do, so they are very sensitive to heat. Pet owners can take simple but effective protective measures to make sure pets experience safe summer fun—pet style!

First, always keep fresh, cool water available for pets and animals. Adding a few drops of therapeutic-grade peppermint oil to a pet’s water can help cool him or her. For horses, a few more drops may be necessary. Creative treat-filled ice blocks are fun and safe for animals. Frozen fruit and treats (cut proportionally) are great cooling sources also. They can be made by simply using a kid’s plastic pail. For chickens, corn, vegetables and herbs are ideal. To make frozen dog treats, a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter can be added. These are all fun and inexpensive ways to keep pets and animals cool and entertained.

Keeping pesky and potentially harmful insects away from pets is important, too. Essential oils, such as citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus and melaleuca, work well as natural insect repellents. As a precaution, essential oil research specific to pet types is recommended to ensure accuracy and safety. An essential oils expert can also help.

For more information, contact Brenda M. Tobin-Flood, D.Vet.Hom, Cert.C.N., of Wellness Matters, at 803-712-4522 or [email protected].

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