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Himalayan Salt: Allergy Season’s Worst Enemy

Feb 29, 2016 08:56PM ● By Odell Williams

The season for hay fever, allergies, asthma and bronchitis is here. A Himalayan salt inhaler can prove to be a great natural way to combat these nasty airborne pollutants and allergens causing such adverse and disruptive respiratory conditions.

            The Himalayan salt inhaler is a ceramic canister filled with dry salt that is breathed in through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. Himalayan salt is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, and also exhibits the properties of an expectorant or antihistamine. Two important benefits are that it is all natural and has no side effects. Given that salt is moisture absorbent, once it enters the lungs and sinuses, it acts like a “scrub brush” by removing the sticky and problematic mucus from the little hairs, called celli, in the lungs. In addition, the salt unblocks the lungs’ crucial air sacs, called alveoli, by shrinking the swollen membranes, thus opening up the airways for proper breathing.

            Another great way to take advantage of Himalayan salt’s power to combat seasonal allergens is by visiting a salt spa like the one featured at Breath of Salt Spa, located at 1410 Colonial Life Boulevard West, Suite 250, Columbia. At this spa, individuals will breathe and experience a healing salt environment in a zero-gravity lounger for 45 minutes in a relaxing, ambient and softly-lit room while listening to soothing meditative music. A Halo generator grinds and continuously blows Himalayan salt into the air. The salt is ground into micro-sized particles of 1 to 5 microns (about the size of a blood cell). This opens the airways to make it easier to breathe, helps build the immune system and detoxifies the body. The experience is similar to being at the beach without the hot sun, humidity and overcrowding.

            There are also salt lamps available that exhibit a warm and beautiful amber glow and emit negative ions. Salt lamps are attractive and healthy for both the body and the atmosphere. The negative ions help alleviate symptoms caused by allergies, sleep disorders, migraines, headaches, asthma and depression. The ions also   help eliminate common indoor air pollutants, such as dust and mildew, and electronic fields from TVs, computers and other electronic devices. Himalayan salt can also be used as a detoxification agent in the form of brine, called sole (so-lah). A quarter of a teaspoon in the morning in a glass of water will help balance the body’s pH levels and flush out heavy metals by breaking down their molecular structure. Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals and trace elements. Himalayan salt has 84 out of 92 possible matches of the same trace elements and minerals found in the plasma in our bodies. What could be healthier?

            These are just a few very helpful ways that Himalayan salt can help one stay healthier and happier this allergy and hay fever season. Individuals should be proactive and not wait until the symptoms attack before beginning some form of treatment. Call Breath of Salt Spa to schedule an appointment and learn more about the many ways that Himalayan salt can help one fight and win the allergy war … naturally.

For more helpful tips and to learn about the history of Himalayan salt, visit For more information about Breath of Salt Spa, call 803-772-7258 or visit 

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